Select Crop Name

Recommended Pest Control for Cardamom

Product Name Pest/Desease/Weed Name AI Formulation Diluted in Water Waiting Period
Fosetyl Al 80% WPAzhukal1800- 2400 gm2250-3000 gm750-100090
Monocrotophos 36% SLThrips375937500-1000
Copper Oxychloride 50% WPClump Rot1.87-3.753.75-5.5750-1000-
Trichoderma Harzianum 0. 50% WSCapsule Rot100 gm /plant (Soil treatment)Soil treatment: Apply 100 gm product/ plant along with neem cake (0.5 kg/ plant) and 5 kg FYM/ plant
Fosetyl Al 80% WPDamping Off1800- 2400 gm2250-3000 gm750-100090